Command line tool

Installing climetlab also make available the climetlab utility command line interface.


$ climetlab <command> [options]
$ climetlab
(climetlab) <command> [options]

Interactive prompt


Running the climetlab command with no argument starts the interactive prompt. Autocompletion is enabled on the interactive prompt. To exit the interactive prompt use Control+D.

$ climetlab
(climetlab) <command> [options]

benchmark (experimental)


climetlab benchmark [-h] [--indexedurl] [--all]

Run predefined benchmarks, for CliMetLab development purposes.

Optional arguments

-h, --help    show this help message and exit
--indexedurl  Benchmark on using indexed URL (byte-range) and various servers.
--all         Run all benchmarks.



climetlab cache [-h] [--json] [--all] [--path] [--sort KEY] [--reverse] [--match STRING]
           [--newer DATE] [--older DATE] [--accessed] [--larger SIZE] [--smaller SIZE]

Cache command to inspect the CliMetLab cache. The selection arguments are the same as for the climetlab decache deletion command.


climetlab cache --all

Optional arguments

-h, --help      show this help message and exit
--json          produce a JSON output
--path          print the path of cache directory and exit
--sort KEY      sort output according to increasing values of KEY.
--reverse       reverse the order of the sort, from larger to smaller
--match STRING  TODO
--newer DATE    TODO
--older DATE    TODO
--accessed      use the date of last access instead of the creation date
--larger SIZE   consider only cache entries that are larger than SIZE bytes
--smaller SIZE  consider only cache entries that are smaller than SIZE bytes

SIZE can be expressed using suffixes such a K, M, G, etc. For example --larger 1G will match all cache entries larger than 1 GiB.

DATE can be expressed as absolute time like 2021-10-10T22:59:00` or relative such as 1h (one hour ago) or 2d (two days ago).

The --older and --newer consider the creation date of cache entries, unless --accessed is specified. In this case the time of last access is used.

Example, to remove large files not accessed for one week:

decache --accessed --older 1w --larger 1G

check (experimental)


climetlab check [-h]

Experimental script to help debugging.

Optional arguments

-h, --help  show this help message and exit



climetlab decache [-h] [--all] [--match STRING] [--newer DATE] [--older DATE] [--accessed]
             [--larger SIZE] [--smaller SIZE]

Cache deletion command (decache) to clean the cache from selected files. The selection arguments are the same as for the climetlab cache query command.

Optional arguments

-h, --help      show this help message and exit
--match STRING  TODO
--newer DATE    TODO
--older DATE    TODO
--accessed      use the date of last access instead of the creation date
--larger SIZE   consider only cache entries that are larger than SIZE bytes
--smaller SIZE  consider only cache entries that are smaller than SIZE bytes

SIZE can be expressed using suffixes such a K, M, G, etc. For example --larger 1G will match all cache entries larger than 1 GiB.

DATE can be expressed as absolute time like 2021-10-10T22:59:00` or relative such as 1h (one hour ago) or 2d (two days ago).

The --older and --newer consider the creation date of cache entries, unless --accessed is specified. In this case the time of last access is used.

Example, to remove large files not accessed for one week:

decache --accessed --older 1w --larger 1G



climetlab grib_info [-h] [--param PARAM] [--json] [--stdin]

Display information about grib parameters.

Optional arguments

-h, --help     show this help message and exit
--param PARAM  Comma separated list of parameters.
--json         Long json output format.
--stdin        Using stdin as input (for bash piping).



climetlab index_gribs [-h] [--baseurl BASEURL] PATH_OR_URL [PATH_OR_URL ...]
Create index files for grib files.

If the option –baseurl is provided, create an index for multiple gribs. See for details.

Positional arguments

PATH_OR_URL        list of files or directories or urls to index

Optional arguments

-h, --help         show this help message and exit
--baseurl BASEURL  Base url to use as a prefix to happen on each PATHS_OR_URLS to build



climetlab libraries [-h] [--json]

Optional arguments

-h, --help  show this help message and exit
--json      produce a JSON output



climetlab plugins [-h] [--json]

List the available plugins

Optional arguments

-h, --help  show this help message and exit
--json      produce a JSON output



climetlab settings [-h] [--json] [SETTING [SETTING ...]]

Display or change CliMetLab settings. See for more details.


climetlab settings cache-directory /big-disk/climetlab-cache

Positional arguments


Optional arguments

-h, --help  show this help message and exit
--json      produce a JSON output



climetlab settings_reset [-h] [--all] [SETTING [SETTING ...]]

Display or change CliMetLab settings. See for more details.


climetlab settings cache-directory /big-disk/climetlab-cache

Positional arguments


Optional arguments

-h, --help  show this help message and exit
--all       All settings



climetlab versions [-h] [--json] [--all] [PACKAGE [PACKAGE ...]]

List the versions of important Python packages.

Positional arguments

PACKAGE     optional list of Python packages

Optional arguments

-h, --help  show this help message and exit
--json      produce a JSON output