Plugin mechanism

CliMetLab plugins rely on the python plugins system using entry_points.

climetlab.core.plugins.directories(owner: bool = False) list

Return a list of directories that are used in the project .

If owner = False, return a list of directories where to search for plugins.

If owner = True, return a list of 2-uples to include the owner in the return value.


owner (bool, optional) –

climetlab.core.plugins.find_plugin(directories: Union[str, List[str]], name: str, loader)

Find a plugin by name .

  • directories (list or str) – List of directories to be searched to find the plugin.

  • name (str) – Name of the plugin

  • loader (class) – Class implementing load_yaml() and load_module()


Return type

Return what the loader will returns when applied to the plugin with the right name name, found in one of the directories of the directories list.


NameError – If plugin is not found.


Loads the plugins for a given kind. The plugin needs to have registered itself with entry_point.


kind (str) – Plugin type such as “dataset” or “source”.

climetlab.core.plugins.register(kind, name_or_module, module_or_none=None)

Register a plugin manually.

When installing a plugin (for instance with !pip install in a notebook), the pip package with register the plugin with the entry_points mechanism, but the currently runnning kernel will need to be restarted to take the change into account. Using register() alleviates this issue.

  • kind (str) – Type of plugind.

  • name_or_module (str or module) – Name of the installed plugin to registed.

  • module_or_none (module, optional) – Module recently installed to be registered.