GRIB support

CliMetLab provides built-in functionalities regarging GRIB format handling.

Reading GRIB files

  • CliMetLab can read gridded GRIB files (or urls) and provide data as xarray.Dataset objects. This can be performed using cml.load_source("file", "myfile.grib").

  • In addition to reading GRIB from local or remote sources, CliMetLab can also use a precomputed index, avoiding the need to parse the GRIB file to know its content. Using this index allows partial read of local files, and merging of mutliple GRIB sources.

This can be performed using cml.load_source("directory", "my/dir"). To allow fast access to the data in the directory, CliMetLab relies on an index. If the index has not been created already, CliMetLab will create one (see GRIB indexing below).

Writing GRIB files

To write data into a GRIB file, use the method. This method is implemented only on a sources relying on GRIB.

CliMetLab has no support for writing custom GRIB files, with modified values or custom attributes.

Building indexes

CliMetLab can create GRIB index files through its command line interface.

How to build a index for a directory containing GRIB files ?

climetlab index_directory my/dir

This will create a CliMetLab index file in my/local/dir, allowing other to access the data with cml.load_source("directory", "my/dir").

How to build a index for one given URL containing a GRIB file ?

climetlab index_url "" > large_grib_1.index

Then upload the file large_grib_1.index and make sure it is available at: “

This allows accessing the data with


How to build indexes for a set of URLs containing GRIB files ?

Or, if you do the same for another URL “”.

climetlab index_url "" > large_grib_1.index
climetlab index_url "" > large_grib_2.index

Then upload the files large_grib_1.index and large_grib_2.index and make sure they are available on the server at: “” “

This allows accessing the data with

                {"n": [1, 2]},

How to build a index for a set of URLs containing GRIB files ?


Not implemented yet.

climetlab index_urls --base-url "" large_grib_1.grb large_grib_2.grb > global_index.index

Then upload the file global_index.index and make sure it is available at: “

This allows others to access the data with :

How to export files from the CliMetLab cache to another directory ?

When using CliMetLab to access MARS, CDS or other source, data is cached into the CliMetLab cache directory (the cache folder is climetlab settings cache-directory).

To prevent the cache from growing forever, old data in the cache directory are deleted automatically by CliMetLab when new data is downloaded. CliMetLab can create a shareable directory with some of the data from the cache through its command line interface.

climetlab export_cache DIRECTORY --help


Update this when mirror implementation changes.