Data Manipulation


This section is a draft.

Methods provided by CliMetLab data objects

Methods provided by CliMetLab data objects (such as a Dataset, a data Source or a Reader): Depending on the data, some of these methods are or are not available.

A CliMetLab data object provides methods to access and use its data.

>>> source.to_xarray() # for gridded data
>>> source.to_pandas() # for non-gridded data
>>> source.to_numpy() # When the data is a n-dimensional array.
>>> source.to_tfrecord() # Experimental


Explain fields.to_xarray() and obs.to_pandas().

Explain data[0]

Add here more details about the .to_… methods.

Merging Data sources


The merger functionality is experimental, the API may change.


add documentation on merging. merge=concat(). merge=merge().

import climetlab as cml
import xarray as xr

class MyMerger():
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    def merge(self, paths, **kwargs):
        return xr.open_mfdataset(paths)

data = cml.load_source("url-pattern",
     foo = [1,2,3],
     bar = ["a", "b"],
     qux = "unique"
     merger = MyMerger()