

When sharing code, a large amount of code is usually dedicated to processing the arguments of the functions or methods to check their value and normalize it to a standard format.

The python language offers the ability to accept a large range of input type on a unique function through duck typing. This leads to a better integration of the different objects at stake, for instance to use a xarray.Dataset as a list of dates. TODO: elaborate on this.

CliMetLab offer predefined shortcuts to implement this. The short API aims to address 80% of the use cases using the @normalize_args decorator. The longer forms aims to tackle specific needs.

Compare the following four codes snippets:

Boilerplate code

# Boilerplate code (extract)
def __init__(self, date, option):
    if date is None:
      date = DEFAULT_DATE_LIST
    if isinstance(date, tuple):
       date = list(date)
    if not isinstance(date, list):
       date = [date]
    for d in date:
    if not option in VALID_OPTIONS:
        raise ValueError(f"option={option} invalid")
    (more check and transformations)
    do_stuff(date, option)

Using CliMetLab short form API

from climetlab.normalize import normalize_args
@normalize_args(date="date(%Y%m%d)", option=["foo", "bar"])
def __init__(self, date, option):
    do_suff(date, option)

Using CliMetLab medium-range API

from climetlab.normalize import normalize_args, Date, Enum
@normalize_args(date=Date("%Y%m%d", single=False, valid=DEFAULT_DATE_LIST),
                option=Enum(["foo", "bar"])
def __init__(self, date, option):
    do_suff(date, option)

Using CliMetLab fine-control API


The fine-control API is not implemented.

from climetlab.normalize import ArgNormalizer, Date, Enum
norm = ArgNormalizer()
norm.add_argument("date", Date("%Y%m%d", single=False, valid=DEFAULT_DATE_LIST))
norm.add_argument("option", Enum(["foo", "bar"])
norm.available(date=DEFAULT_DATE_LIST, option=["foo", "bar"])
norm.not_available(date="20211231", option="bar"])
def __init__(self, date, option):
    do_suff(date, option)

The following table lists the available normalizer:

Normalizer Trigger Example
Enum tuple option=("a", "b") option=Enum("a", "b")
EnumList list option=["a", "b"] option=EnumList("a", "b")
Date “date(” option="date("%Y%m%d") option="Date("%Y%m%d")
DateList “date-list(” option="date-list("%Y%m%d") option="DateList("%Y%m%d")
bounding-box-normalizer “bounding-box(” TODO


The Enum normalizer pre-process the argument provided when calling the function, modifies it if needed, and provides a normalised value to the function. It ensures that the value in the function is an element of the list provided.

@normalize_args(option=Enum("a", "b"))
def f(self, option):
    assert option in ["a", "b"]

>>> f("a")
>>> f(None)

Shortcut: An Enum normalizer is created when a tuple is assigned to a parameter in @normalize_args.

@normalize_args(option=("a", "b"))


The EnumList normalizer pre-process the argument provided when calling the function, modifies it if needed, and provides a normalised value to the function. It ensures the following:

  • The value (provided to the function) is a list.
  • Each element of this list belong to the list provided.
  • If None was provided by the user, the full list is used.
@normalize_args(option=EnumList("a", "b"))
def f(self, option):
    for o in option:
        assert o in ["a", "b"]

>>> f("a")
>>> f(None)
["a", "b"]

Shortcut: An Enum normalizer is created when a list is assigned to a parameter in @normalize_args.

@normalize_args(option=["a", "b"])
def f(self, option):


Date and time argument used a lot in Climate and Meteorology code. The Date normalizer .

def f(self, date):

Shortcut: An Date normalizer is created when a string starting with “date(” is assigned to a parameter in @normalize_args.



The DateList normalizer is to the Date normalizer what the EnumList is to Enum.

def f(self, date):

Shortcut: An DateList normalizer is created when a string starting with “date-list(” is assigned to a parameter in @normalize_args.



Add more normalizers. For instance, for the “parameter” argument such as `t2m` or `tp`.