Data sources


Explain what are Data sources. List the built-in ones. Explain fields.to_xarray() and obs.to_pandas(). Explain data[0]

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("source-name",
                       "parameter2", ...)


The simplest data source is the file source that accesses a local file.

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("file", "/path/to/file")

CliMetLab will inspect the content of the file to check for any of the supported data formats listed below:

  • Fields:
    • NetCDF
    • GRIB
  • Observations:
    • CSV
    • BUFR
    • ODB (a bespoke binary format for observations)


The url data source will download the data from the address specified and store it in the cache. The supported data formats are the same as for the file data source above.

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("url", "")

When given an archive format such as .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, etc, CliMetLab will attempt to open it and extract any usable file. If you want to keep the downloaded file as is, pass unpack=False to the method.

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("url",


The url-pattern data source will build urls from the pattern specified, using the other arguments to fill the pattern. Each argument can be a list to iterate and create the cartesian product of all lists. Then each url is downloaded and stored it in the cache. The supported download the data from the address data formats are the same as for the file and url data sources above.

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("url-pattern",
     foo = [1,2,3],
     bar = ["a", "b"],
     qux = "unique"

The code above will download and process the data from the six following urls:


If the urls are pointing to archive format, the data will be unpacked by url-pattern according to the unpack argument, similarly to what the source url does (see above url)

Once the data have been properly downloaded [and unpacked] and cached. It can can be accessed using to_xarray() or to_pandas().

To provide a unique xarray.Dataset (or pandas.DataFrame), the different datasets are merged. The default merger strategy for field data is to use xarray.open_mfdataset from xarray. This can be changed by providing a merger to the url-pattern source:

import climetlab as cml
import xarray as xr

class MyMerger():
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    def merge(self, paths, **kwargs):
        return xr.open_mfdataset(paths)

data = cml.load_source("url-pattern",
     foo = [1,2,3],
     bar = ["a", "b"],
     qux = "unique"
     merger = MyMerger()


The merger functionality is experimental, the API may change.


This data source access the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS), using the cdsapi package. A typical cdsapi request has the following format:

import cdsapi

client = cdsapi.Client()

                {"parameter1": "value1",
                 "parameter2": "value2",

to perform the same operation with CliMetLab, use the following code:

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("cds",
                       {"parameter1": "value1",
                        "parameter2": "value2",

Data downloaded from the CDS is stored in the the cache.

To access data from the CDS, you will need to register and retrieve an access token. The process is described here.

For more information, see the CDS knowledge base.


Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System (MARS)

from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer

server = ECMWFDataServer()

    "parameter1": "value1",
    "parameter2": "value2",

to perform the same operation with CliMetLab, use the following code:

import climetlab as cml

data = cml.load_source("mars",
                       {"parameter1": "value1",
                        "parameter2": "value2",

Data downloaded from MARS is stored in the the cache.
